There are lot of factors which are important to respect when you build your website. The first one will be the technical language (HTML). Then a good structure to do not have an '' ugly'' website to do not make confuse the user. And one which become more and more important are the '' gadget'' to build a relathionship with the customer.
Three mains criterias to respect:
- The language: It is the hidden part of the website design, It will help you to build the structure of your website in effect the language can be HTML or Javascript or PHP or all this tools can be used in the same time. But there are few things to respect in this language.
Do not make it to heavy to allow the website to be doawnload quickly. for example; an easy solution can be done by separating the HTML and do an other page with CSS language. Also fallow the evolution of the language is improvement to make it better.
Recognize by the search engine when the robot come to read it so do not forget your website descrition like for our blog
<meta content='A different way to share the E-marketing Idea 'Same if nowadays the search engine care less and less of those keywords.
name='description'/> or and a place for the Keyword <meta
content='e-marketing,, turn the blogospher, ...Marketing,
...' name='keywords'/>.
Then the language must be read by all the browser for computer and Smartphone . Infact sometime your website will have a good design with Mozilla Firefox and the color or the layout will change a bit with Internet explorer.
So the language is very important and few tools can help you: NotePad which can help you to write your language but it is a bit difficult for the people who have never done this or Dreamweaver ( is not free) but can make you HTML code heavier, or website can help you to write your language like on doomby
Then you have some website on the Internet which can help you to see if you respect some rulesthere is a websites call W3C where you can check the validity of your language or website so help you to write your language
The structure:
When it is structure it is the layout, the colors and the contents
The layout, it is important to have a clear website where the people can not be lost and find the information directly when they arrives on the page also some experience show some layout works more than other e.g.: it is better to have the frame on the left than the right on some websites.You can study the people usually by different ways, the eyes tracking which allow to see where the people go, also by some software like google analytics to know in wich page they go and how many time they stay.
The contents, the contents must informs directly who you are, what are the objectives of this website, what is your product or services. Your content must be updated regulary because nowadays to search engines is looking less the keyford but the frequence of website uptading.
The colors, it is important to do not have aggressives colors on your website. The colors must '' relax'' the eyes on the user liek the white not the yeloow backgroung with blue frame.
The sitemap, like that every moment the user can see in details the website where he is or what he can see. Then, Allow your website to be visit by people all over the world if you are an International company propose them to change the language of your website.
The options:
It is important for your website to be see and the people come back on your website or be satisfy. For that Internet offer us lot of good tools. You must propose few options to the user to build a relathionship like Twitters, or RSS Flux, newsletter to offer them the possibility to suscribe to this tools and to fallow the actulaty of your website. Also link to allow them the possibility to send us question if they have query. Or sometimes a forums can be add to the website and allow to your user to speak between them and also to know what they think and propose them solution or give advice.
All these critarias are just advices. The design will depend of the your buisness and the main goals of your website. yous must adapt these advices to your website and your feeling. But one things which is important is to fallow the Internet evolution by survey the competitors, ask advices to the user or on Internet like on this website: visitmix, or g to some events like Futur web Desing in London or Microsoft Mix Las Vegas.
Dixxit (2007) référencement: la revanche du contenue, Livre blanc [referencing: the revenge of the contained, white book ]
The trust is a combination of successful interactions between the client and the company. It means for the company to show they care about consumers and can resolve their problems if he or she meets one, offer them a good quality of services.
As confirms Bock, Zmud and Lee (2005), trust is an important element in marketing because it plays a huge role in many social and economic interactions. Moreover, this feeling of trust can be improved in a positive way to reinforce and make easier the Decision Making Process according Wu & Chen (2005). It means that as much as the seller can make the consumer comfortable in his purchase decision like sharing with him many information about the product or the service, showing his self-confidence when he is talking about it, it would be easier for the consumer to buy it. It highlights the idea that feeling comfortable and being recognized as a “real consumer” by a brand or a company influence in a good way the act of buying. Therefore, emotions, which are increasing in this kind of situation, make easier the financial transaction.
However, as explains Everard & Galletta (2006), it fundamental to understand that this relationship between the consumer and the seller is only possible in the case of the seller shows that he gets the ability and all the skills when he is selling a product or a service: he needs to share relevant information, advices, make the consumer comfortable. Therefore, he needs to help the creation of this trust. As affirms Coulter and Coulter (2005), the build of the trust has to cover various stages to be perfect: competence, promptness, reliability and customization.
Morever, Doney and Cammon (1997); Garbarino and Johnson (1999), trust can be compared as a strong belief. As describes Chang (2007), this belief gets an impact on the brand, the online website. He wants to underline that when an individual trusts a brand, a website its fame will increase because of the social pressure. It means that the company gets chance that the consumer will speak about it and create the word of mouth. Therefore, the trust can generate profits for the company.
An important point of Trust is helpful to build a relationship with the consumer. As confirms R.C.Mayer and J.H.Davis in the Integration Model Of Organizational Trust, and In the Commitment Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing by R.L.Morgan and Shelby D.hunt Trust is fundamental. However, they highlight the idea that Trust and Relationship are strongly linked. It means that without relationship the Trust cannot be built. Therefore, Trust is reinforced thanks to the consumer who believes each day in the company values and showing that the consumer gets a real identity in the company and pay attention to them (offering gifts, using direct marketing), remember them, interacting with them. Therefore, it means being present in their life without forgetting them.
Communication via the Web has three points of evaluation, as shown on the following diagram.

According to Morgan and Hunt,any E-companies try to increase the trust on their web site, we can defines several important points. First of all, details concerning the organization will be appear (company name, address, logo), including registration data and also ownership information. Visitors need to be able to contact you easily. Lack of obvious mistakes, such as errors in spelling and in well-known facts. And have nothing that does obviously out of the date when the page is clearly older can reduce trust. If an organisation has a well-know presence beyond the web, which will be greatly affect the visitors’ views of its website. But if the organisation is not well known outside its home region, it’s local; reputation can’t impress visitors elsewhere in the world. Giving plenty of details are necessary for the online selling, Pictures, size, weight, and price, country of manufacture, shipping costs, and returns policy - everything a customer might want to know.
The trustworthiness is an important value for all kind of business. The Consumer need it when he or she deals with the company. The meaning of trusthworthiness is bigger than trust: if you said this company is trustworthiness, it means that this company is trusted. This idea is underlined by Sheinman,H (2008). Therefore, trustworthiness means promises and how companies act with these promises, what is the level of commitment with these promises. Moreover, it gives the promising power and the audience can measure it in two different ways:
1- Promise keeping
2- Promises breaking rules
It underlines that it is a big problem for the company in case of failure because the penalty will be untrusted in other world (untrust worthiness) and it will be hard to do promises again if they lost the trust or break promises. It will be difficult to get the ability to gain trsutworthiness again. This idea is reinforced to the bigger problem of E-business which has lost trustworthiness. Therefore, losing the power of promising, the sector will loose of the relation with the thired parties according to Sheinman,H (2008). It is considered as an ethical case especially when you are dealing with people when they are believing in your trustworthiness and you should treat them right and concerned according to N. Rajasekar, K.G. Nalina (2008).
Moreover, trustworthiness is considered as one of the most important element which considered component as your brand equity according To Dan S. Chiaburu ,. Audrey S. Lim (2008). Trustworthiness means the consumer place confidence in the firm, the communication and as to whether the firm actions would be in consumer interests.
The developed countries depend on the Internet and one of the risk is in the transaction . That is why the companies should more and more consider trustworthiness. Nowadays the company will be judged by the customers according to the trustworthy, they can become an old known company if there is no enough actions done by them for the customer. Theses actions will reflect the company credibility. This as a result a reaction by The customer. According to there actions the company can determine the customer's trustworthiness. The thing is trustworthiness come from true characteristics of the company itself, it does not come from just promises.
A huge number of customers using the Internet when purchasing goods and services over the Web will appreciate trustworthiness specially customers who have serious privacy concerns, so they will be willing to provide private information to the company which trustworthiness is one of its characteristics , however winning the public trust is the main obstacle to continued growth in e-businesses.
So Trust and Trustworthiness are two words that the companies must keep in mind. After there is no one which is better than other. First the company must build the relathionship so trust. Then when this period is finish this is the time of Trustworthiness. After The trust can be the most important, because it is the first step of the interaction between a company and the client. So without Trust there is no Trustworthiness.
Tsai, M T., Wei Chin, C., Chen, C C.(2010) “The Effect of Trust Belief and Salesperson’s Expertise On Consumer’s Intention to Purchase Nutraceuticals: Applying The Theory of Reasoned Action” in Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal (2010)
Weiwei Yuan, A., Guan, D., Lee, Y-K., Lee, S.a, Jin Hur, S. (2010) Improved trust-aware recommender system using small-worldness of trust networks in Knowledge-Based Systems V23 pp 232-238
Rajasekar, N., Nalina, K.G. (2008) ‘’Measuring Customer-Based Brand Equity in Durable Goods Industry'' in Journal of Marketing & Communication;, V4 (1), p48-58
Chiaburu, Dan S., S. Lim, A. (2008) ‘’Manager Trustworthiness or Interactional Justice? Predicting Organizational Citizenship Behaviours’’ in Journal of business ethics. 83:3. pp.453-467. 2008 (12) (1670)
Sheinman,H. (2008) ‘’Promise as Practice Reason’’ in acta anal v 23 pp 287-318
Mayer, R., Davis, J. and Schoorman, D. (1995) ‘An Integrative Model of Organisational Trust’, in
Morgan, R. and Hunt, S. (1994) ‘The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing’, Journal of Marketing, V58 (3), 20 - 39
Internet follows an evolution and as all evolution people have been affected in various ways: they can be scared, doubtful, need time of adaptation. It means that people behave differently e.g.: how they communicate (especially the new generation with internet).It has also created a strange phenomenon: communicate people with companies, companies with people, people between them ,companies with companies ,to make to world becoming a small village. That is why Dr Alelks Krotoski tried to understand in her documentary ‘’ The virtual Revolution: Homo Interneticus’’on BBC the 24th February 2010. In this report, she is explaining different aspects of why people act like that on Internet by this documentary three main points are underlined:
What is the relationship between people and Internet?
The Internet becomes a nightmare for many families because they cannot control children lives compare to old generation, when they were young they did not meet this problem. It means that they can have an access too many information through the Internet: Website with adult content, violence. Also this access at many information allow them to do not keep focus on just one information. In fact, Internet provides many tools like Facebook, Twitter, My space and research engine websites. All these tools make them lazier in terms of researching information. Because of Internet tools, people do not really need to find information. It comes directly to them. E.g.: “new feed” on facebook, Twitter, people need information. It can bring another question about privacy life. All these virtual communities are fake. It underlines that there are just superficial and does not not represent real friendship. Information on Wikipedia or on the “new feed”can be considered as “long information” in the time because it changes every minute.
How does Internet affect Social Relationships ?
The whole internet revolution may affect our relationship and our way of thinking in these days, but the thing is in 100 years later may someone will come and say that the relationships and human way of thinking in 2010 were the best comparing with 2??? ,the meaning is each time has its own aspects beside of that the affect of the internet or whatever the society think that is affecting our way of life or thinking. On the other hand the effect will be different from culture to another ,for example taking south Korea as an example ,the affection won't be the same or the reactions won't be alike with the rest of the world, the reaction will be different from country to another ,from culture to another the reaction also will be in different levels ,as above it is all depend on the values , the culture ,and a the way of thinking that a specific country or society adopt.
How does internet can change the sense of the reality ?
There is a kind of virtual reality stimulated by a computer where the design and the graphism are linked to create a kind of real world. It’s a synthesized world also called Cyberland. It is a new world where the life is managed by defined rules like in the international game: Second Life. As shows this program and confirms it on its official website on , being a member of the Second Life community will give you the opportunity of designing your own virtual world.
Therefore, it is very easy to be addicted and to forget your real life (family repairs, social life, professional life, cultural values and meanings…) because as claims Second Life, and that is why this program has generated a huge success, take your chance to live a second life. They attract people with very dreamy sentences like “Be anyone with an avatar”.
Imagination is the key point of this game. As confirms Pascal in “Les Pensées”, imagination moves away an individual from his or her real life. It means that if the individual follows all his or her thoughts he or she can be lost and will get difficulties to recognize and differentiate what is the real life and what is not.
Therefore, it is what Second Life tries to do: forgetting the reality. Their fame is established because they guarantee that everything is possible with this program even what is not executable in the real life. According their promotion on , future members will be able to build hotels or a theme park, product a movie, launch a luxury brand of clothes, create a company, do what they want to do with people they want and wherever. Moreover, they could ride a dragoon, get Ninjas or Vampires as friends, live with goblins, go shopping everyday.
Many of this activities are very difficult or impossible to realize in the real life. This game is able to realize people fantasies. But even if the virtual world is responsible from many addictions as confirms Dr Alelks Krotoski, the success of Second Life is still increasing. In 2009, 20 billions of members are using Second Life.
Therefore, it underlines one main interesting question: Does this world more available and better to live than the real one?
Those main points reveal significant problems what Internet evolution generates. But in an other way , the new generation of teenager fell more involve for the problem of the world by this new tool which is Internet. Also this evolution is not a problem for this new generation who fell comfortable . Maybe It is just the old generation who want to protec them or is just affraid of this evolution. Like all the precedent evolution.
This blog only represents the group members' opinions and does not represent by any means Coventry University.