The mobile taking the place of the computer?

The phenomenon of using internet on Mobile is more and more obvious especially since the iPhone has arrived (2008). Therefore, it re-launched Internet for mobile and consequently people became more dependent on their phone.

A research from analyst firms such as Berg Insight believes that the mobile broadband market in Europe may increase to more than 5 million connections by the end of this year, with a staggering 30 million expected for 2011.

It may lead to ask this question: Is the mobile taking the place of a computer?

Agreeing or Disagreeing, this topic can be discussed during a long time but it is interesting to understand which factors can make differences between them.

Comparing to the computer, the user of a mobile can have an instant access to Internet (networks/email/ Twitter…) whenever and wherever. Moreover operators make this access easier with their 3G/3GS offers and allow having instant access everywhere (as long as the mobiles receive 3G or there is the Wi-Fi). This instant access allows to be on Internet all the time and generates many new services like geolocation, which provides the location of few areas as restaurants or shops. Therefore, this application can make people’s life easier.

However, the geolocation like all these other applications can generate an important question about privacy. Many web sites show that there is a huge privacy over using mobile phones and also many people think that using mobile phones is like being spied.

As a computer, your phone can be tracked. New technologies allow distrustful spouses or anxious parents to track your mobile phone, locating your position at any time of the day. You have probably noticed on television programs that the mobile tracking is offered to the massive consumers. This news has been perceived as a terror in thousands of young teenagers and spouses who prefer keeping their leisure and own activities in private. Tracking companies are also a new trend. Managers and employers are nowadays able to know what their staff members are doing and where etc…Then they can write reports on their daily actions.

Therefore, it means that there is less and less safety. As more and more people use mobile phones, more and more viruses or spywares will appear. However, companies have not created and designed yet competent anti-virus as we can find for the computer.

The last factor which is interesting to underline is the personalisation of the mobile. Nowadays, it is very common to get your own ringtone, to add pictures for your background, to download games which can be done without plug to the computer but to update the software you need to plug you phone to your pc (iPhone with iTunes), that is why the mobile is still dependent to the computer

What is essential to understand is the mobile facilitates the connection to internet and allows to use applications as a computer. However, it can also cause troubles as a computer like virus, cut this border of “privacy” and be dependent of the computer. Therefore, the mobile can not take the main role of the computer but be a complementary.

13 comments to "The mobile taking the place of the computer?"

  • I don"t think that mobile phones are taking the place of computers. Of course a mobile with an access to the Internet is useful for applications like Facebook, Twitter, maps etc... but that's all. A computer is still necessary to use programs as Word or Excel, and it is more easy to use the Internet on a laptop (bigger screen, keyboard etc...)
    For the problem of the privacy, I think it's not aboutf using a mobile phone or a laptop, but it is about how people use social networks, posting pictures, thoughts etc...

  • Yes... It's true that almost mobile has taken over the computer place with more advanced features.

  • I think we have to make a difference between the near future (5 years) en the "future" (10-20 years)and the different kinds of computers (desktop computer, laptop, netbook). For some tasks we will still need big screens (like we still use real books for reading). In my opinion the percentage of laptops and netbooks will increase and the percentage of desktop computers will decreas. The mobile devices like PDAs and smartphones will be an extension of the PCs, but they will exist with each other and not next to each other. In the "future" however, there will be so much improvements and new technologies that it is impossible to know how the technological world will look like.

  • Good point on instant access to internet with mobile 3G/3.5G. However, there is an important factor that affect how people use mobile for internet connection. The current 3G/3.5G/EDGE technology are too painful an experience to browse on acceptable speed. Depending on location, the internet speed varies and disconnections are common problems for mobile internet. Not to mention we have to strain our eye sight on a small 2" screen rather than browsing on a comfortable 10" netbook screen. Thus, it will never replace the laptop in terms of access to internet, unless technology changes in the 'near' future!

  • @Floris Lefever: I Think a bit like you for me the number of computer will decreas but some people will still need it to work (as designer). And we also see the new trend with the netbooks which started with Asus and Apple which fallow with the iPad we will launch a new way to use the lap-top.

    @ Emarketforensics: It is true, it's quite dificult to absolutly enjoy internet with a 2" screen compare to a computer but generally the peoples don't really have the same utility for internet, to find a information, ad a twitter or read their e-mails( but generally will continous to read it again at home on their comptuer)that is why it is just a complementary the time spending on their mobile screen will not be the same than the computer. For the 3G... Theire is again too much area which are not cover and that is why somotimes they propose their own Internet to stay in contact ( like the Blacberry internet)

  • PC's won't die. There will still be basic phones, smart ones and something very similar to computers...but there will still be less computers and more small ones... seems that compuerts are chasing phones and phones are chasing computers?

  • I do agree with you that its chasing, but at the end one of these technologies must win and that happened with any technology we use in our previous years , but the other am sure will stay existed but as old fashion or for specific use.

  • You are more than welcome in our blog arshad.

  • You are cutting more than 5 years in technology lives, am sorry but mobile phones didn’t reach the quality or the function same as the PC , please for more information read this article



  • This comment has been removed by the author.
  • Cedric,
    From your reply, I believe you agree that phones will never replace laptops?
    Research has shown majority of people use mobile (a phone it is) mainly for short text messages and phone calls (Jin 2008) despite its ability for personalization, ubiguity, interactivity and localization features. I totally agree with you that mobiles are supportive tool to laptops when it comes to browsing on internet. However, we do not deny the ability of mobiles for m-commerce utilization such as advertisements, special offers and promotional coupons from local businesses. Although the potential in these areas are huge, nevertheless, it will never replace the good old laptops.

    Jin, C.H and Villegas, J. (2008) 'Mobile Phone Users' Behaviors: The Motivational Factors of the Mobile Phone Users'. International Journal of Mobile Marketing 3(2), 4-14

  • Mobiles Internet is for the move but in general we will always use laptops or pc

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