How to design your website

Since the blog is open few topics are discussed and all of these topics turn arround the Internet. But one of the main things on the Internet is the website. what is a website, it is a place on the Internet where people can read informations, buy products or use services, play games etc... And all the websites must respect some criteria to stay competitive. First they must attract the people, then they must keep them. Each website must have different design or it will not be the same rule for a profesional webstie than a website for a sports team but some criteria are stills the same.

There are lot of factors which are important to respect when you build your website. The first one will be the technical language (HTML). Then a good structure to do not have an '' ugly'' website to do not make confuse the user. And one which become more and more important are the '' gadget'' to build a relathionship with the customer.

Three mains criterias to respect

- The language:
It is the hidden part of the website design, It will help you to build the structure of your website in effect the language can be HTML or Javascript or PHP or all this tools can be used in the same time. But there are few things to respect in this language.
Do not make it to heavy to allow the website to be doawnload quickly. for example; an easy solution can be done by separating the HTML and do an other page with CSS language. Also fallow the evolution of the language is improvement to make it better.

Recognize by the search engine when the robot come to read it so do not forget your website descrition like for our blog
<meta content='A different way to share the E-marketing Idea '

or and a place for the Keyword <meta
='e-marketing,, turn the blogospher, ...Marketing,
Same if nowadays the search engine care less and less of those keywords.
Then the language must be read by all the browser for computer and Smartphone . Infact sometime your website will have a good design with Mozilla Firefox and the color or the layout will change a bit with Internet explorer.
So the language is very important and few tools can help you: NotePad which can help you to write your language but it is a bit difficult for the people who have never done this or Dreamweaver ( is not free) but can make you HTML code heavier, or website can help you to write your language like on doomby
Then you have some website on the Internet which can help you
to see if you respect some rulesthere is a websites call W3C where you can check the validity of your language or website so help you to write your language

The structure:
When it is structure it is the layout, the colors and the contents
The layout, it is important to have a clear website where the people can not be lost and find the information directly when they arrives on the page also some experience show some layout works more than other e.g.: it is better to have the frame on the left than the right on some websites.You can study the people usually by different ways, the eyes tracking which allow to see where the people go, also by some software like google analytics to know in wich page they go and how many time they stay.
The contents, the contents must informs directly who you are, what are the objectives of this website, what is your product or services. Your content must be updated regulary because nowadays to search engines is looking less the keyford but the frequence of website uptading.
The colors, it is important to do not have aggressives colors on your website. The colors must '' relax'' the eyes on the user liek the white not the yeloow backgroung with blue frame.
The sitemap, like that every moment the user can see in details the website where he is or what he can see. Then, Allow your website to be visit by people all over the world if you are an International company propose them to change the language of your website.

The options:
It is important for your website to be see and the people come back on your website or be satisfy. For that Internet offer us lot of good tools. You must propose few options to the user to build a relathionship like Twitters, or RSS Flux, newsletter to offer them the possibility to suscribe to this tools and to fallow the actulaty of your website. Also link to allow them the possibility to send us question if they have query. Or sometimes a forums can be add to the website and allow to your user to speak between them and also to know what they think and propose them solution or give advice.

All these critarias are just advices. The design will depend of the your buisness and the main goals of your website. yous must adapt these advices to your website and your feeling. But one things which is important is to fallow the Internet evolution by survey the competitors, ask advices to the user or on Internet like on this website: visitmix, or g to some events like Futur web Desing in London or Microsoft Mix Las Vegas.


Dixxit (2007) référencement: la revanche du contenue, Livre blanc [referencing: the revenge of the contained, white book ]

5 comments to "How to design your website"

  • we would like to say, that to produce Html code, there are a lot other tools you can use like the C++ which is one of the best. A part from that, we think that if you talk of HTML code as an important part of the web site design you don't have to talk about anything else, because it involve everything, the layout, colours, of course you choose them but everything is involved on the HTML code. Any change on the web changes the HTML code.

  • This comment has been removed by the author.
  • Please note: for your CW you need to print everything on your blog including; your individual profiles, any comments been posted and Google analytics. Make sure you present the work properly not only disjointed printouts from the blog.
    Can you also highlight how you responded to any questions been asked?
    If you used clips/videos make sure to describe them in the CW in their related section(s)

  • Just to correct what has been write on the previous comment, C++ is more usefull to do as exemple a game not a website it is complicate to do a website in C++ so not the best

  • Thanks for the mention - we've always aimed at ensuring doomby is useful to webmasters whatever their level of expertise. Though you can use classical WYSIWYG editors to create content, we've tried hard to ensure those with experience in web design can construct their site directly using HTML and CSS editing, as this gives much greater and precise control over the creation process and final result.

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