E-marketing, a way to achieve companies objectives?

- Marketing ==> E- marketing ?

- How the E-marketing can help the Small and Medium Companies ?

- How to get the best E-marketing Strategy ?

Few years ago, people were not aware about the meaning of E-marketing.

Therefore with the internet evolution; Web1.0, Web2.0, and nearly in the future Web3.0,. The internet user became the centre of Internet, with Social Networking (facebook , Hi5..) , sharing more information (Twitter and blogging). Even the motors of research have adapted their system of references which is more focus of the Internet user, they will care about the website quality. e.g.: Now when they analyses website they are less focuses on Keywords but more on the number of visitors, frequency of updating number of links which arrive on the website.

Moreover, this evolution has changed the companies’ strategies.
In fact, they have to diversify their strategy; be present Offline and Online (the distribution channel, promotion…) .Which creates a new decision making process to the consumer, (how to find the information, buy the product, and explain his own advice). Also the comapnies have changed their utilisation of the tools, doing better website ( more interactive with the Internet user), how to reference their website and be active on Internet by the new tools ( flux rss, blogging, facebook, widget, forums)

How the E-marketing can help Small and Medium Companies ?

Many definitions are proposed on Internet. In general E-marketing is becoming the acquisition and retention of profitable consumer using internet technology and process. To Transform the Offline strategy in an Online strategy (how to sell a product, to promote it internet, to build a strong relathionship with the consumer). This E-marketing is not just reserved for BIG companies. Internet is a tool for everybody which allows some facilites. That is why it is easier to launch a product with an E-marketing strategy than a classical Marketing strategy.

It can help the Small and Medium companies to gain market shares (without geographical limits, and attract more people). Moreover with an Offline strategy, some companies get difficulties to compete with bigger companies than them. Therefore, the E-marketing is helpful to design an Online strategy.

e.g.: the communication: websites , specific forums, blogs, Twitter. It will be easier and also cheapier to get a best visibility with these tools than an Offline strategy. Then for the loyalty of the target audiance, Email campaigns are more usefull than sending traditional tools (to get feedback, to create data basis thanks to email addresses)

How to realize a good E-marketing strategy?

The research is the basis for any decision and desgins a good E-marketing strategy. In fact, the research will help to anticipate the future. As there is a fast evolution of Internet, the daily research will be there to react faster as possible if customers or competitors change.

How to do a good research:

- Market Research: to understand and analyse the new trends for communication (twitter, google buzz etc...),to compare differences between the Online and Offline. With some conferences like the Customer electronic Show in Las vegas where the last Electronic evolution are showed and understand what will be the future tools which can be used or like the Marketing 2.0 conference in Paris where the goal is understanding how Internet will evolve. ( Marketing 2.0 )

- Competitor researches/ Surveys. e.g.: with the RSS Flux, it is easier to see what they update on their website and follow them, also to observe what they are doing on Internet, their network and how they use it.

- Consumer researches: very useful to analyse their behaviour, to know what they like, what is the best way to create a good relationship.

A point which is generally forget is to do a research after the launch of the E-marketing strategy. Analyse the website statistics (google analytics). It gives the opportunity to know where people come from, how they act on the website etc. and at the same time if the e-reputation have a good impact on the brand image.

The following video is a review of differents tools which are discuss in the post

References for this post :

Dixxit (2007) référencement: la revanche du contenue, Livre blanc [referencing: the revenge of the contained, white book ]

Gilmore. A, Gallagher.D, Henry.S (2007), E-marketing and SMEs: operational lessons for the future, journal European Business Review V.19, pp 234-247

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The mobile taking the place of the computer?

The phenomenon of using internet on Mobile is more and more obvious especially since the iPhone has arrived (2008). Therefore, it re-launched Internet for mobile and consequently people became more dependent on their phone.

A research from analyst firms such as Berg Insight believes that the mobile broadband market in Europe may increase to more than 5 million connections by the end of this year, with a staggering 30 million expected for 2011.


It may lead to ask this question: Is the mobile taking the place of a computer?

Agreeing or Disagreeing, this topic can be discussed during a long time but it is interesting to understand which factors can make differences between them.

Comparing to the computer, the user of a mobile can have an instant access to Internet (networks/email/ Twitter…) whenever and wherever. Moreover operators make this access easier with their 3G/3GS offers and allow having instant access everywhere (as long as the mobiles receive 3G or there is the Wi-Fi). This instant access allows to be on Internet all the time and generates many new services like geolocation, which provides the location of few areas as restaurants or shops. Therefore, this application can make people’s life easier.

However, the geolocation like all these other applications can generate an important question about privacy. Many web sites show that there is a huge privacy over using mobile phones and also many people think that using mobile phones is like being spied.

As a computer, your phone can be tracked. New technologies allow distrustful spouses or anxious parents to track your mobile phone, locating your position at any time of the day. You have probably noticed on television programs that the mobile tracking is offered to the massive consumers. This news has been perceived as a terror in thousands of young teenagers and spouses who prefer keeping their leisure and own activities in private. Tracking companies are also a new trend. Managers and employers are nowadays able to know what their staff members are doing and where etc…Then they can write reports on their daily actions.


Therefore, it means that there is less and less safety. As more and more people use mobile phones, more and more viruses or spywares will appear. However, companies have not created and designed yet competent anti-virus as we can find for the computer.

The last factor which is interesting to underline is the personalisation of the mobile. Nowadays, it is very common to get your own ringtone, to add pictures for your background, to download games which can be done without plug to the computer but to update the software you need to plug you phone to your pc (iPhone with iTunes), that is why the mobile is still dependent to the computer

What is essential to understand is the mobile facilitates the connection to internet and allows to use applications as a computer. However, it can also cause troubles as a computer like virus, cut this border of “privacy” and be dependent of the computer. Therefore, the mobile can not take the main role of the computer but be a complementary.

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One year as a student ...

Do you know what is the student's life? It is time to discover how it is exiting to be a student ....

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Welcome,اهلا Bienvenue, Willkommen, Üdvözlöm, Bienvenido, 比安沃尼 !!!

Dear all !!!

We are five foreign students doing various Masters in Coventry University. Our personal interest for E-Marketing is reinforced by our commun module which generates this project of creating this blog.

Every week, a specific topic will be posted by a member of the team. We encourage you to participate, visit and help us to make this blog more lively as possible!

As you have discovered in each profile, each member of the team gets his or her own culture and origins Therefore, it will be interesting to share our point of view about various to topic.

I am from France, doing the Master Advertising and Marketing. This course will help me to improve my knowledges about the marketing in general. I encourage all the people to participate and post every week a comment in our blog, it help us to share the pointview of all the internauts.

Marketing Managment student, I have choosen e-marketing module because it will open a new vision for me and it will helps to improve my skills to enter the online world, wich is a weak market in jordan where i came from.

Cedric. S.:
I'm in Coventry University for two years where I have developped my English language skills for marketing. Currently, I am doing an Msc in International Marketing. My hobbies are IT, new technologies and I like spending my time on Internet. I Believe we are the actual actors of Internet to make it alive. ( from web 1.0 to 2.0 and on the way of 3.0).

This is my first year in Coventry University. I also come from France, the French Riviera. I am student from a Master in Advertising and Marketing. I have decided to participate in this module because I believe that E-Marketing is THE media of the 21st Century and it will be fundammental to improve my skills in this topic.

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This blog only represents the group members' opinions and does not represent by any means Coventry University.


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