How an Evolution can affect us ?

Internet follows an evolution and as all evolution people have been affected in various ways: they can be scared, doubtful, need time of adaptation. It means that people behave differently e.g.: how they communicate (especially the new generation with internet).It has also created a strange phenomenon: communicate people with companies, companies with people, people between them ,companies with companies ,to make to world becoming a small village. That is why Dr Alelks Krotoski tried to understand in her documentary ‘’ The virtual Revolution: Homo Interneticus’’on BBC the 24th February 2010. In this report, she is explaining different aspects of why people act like that on Internet by this documentary three main points are underlined:

What is the relationship between people and Internet?

The Internet becomes a nightmare for many families because they cannot control children lives compare to old generation, when they were young they did not meet this problem. It means that they can have an access too many information through the Internet: Website with adult content, violence. Also this access at many information allow them to do not keep focus on just one information. In fact, Internet provides many tools like Facebook, Twitter, My space and research engine websites. All these tools make them lazier in terms of researching information. Because of Internet tools, people do not really need to find information. It comes directly to them. E.g.: “new feed” on facebook, Twitter, people need information. It can bring another question about privacy life. All these virtual communities are fake. It underlines that there are just superficial and does not not represent real friendship. Information on Wikipedia or on the “new feed”can be considered as “long information” in the time because it changes every minute.

How does Internet affect Social Relationships ?

The whole internet revolution may affect our relationship and our way of thinking in these days, but the thing is in 100 years later may someone will come and say that the relationships and human way of thinking in 2010 were the best comparing with 2??? ,the meaning is each time has its own aspects beside of that the affect of the internet or whatever the society think that is affecting our way of life or thinking. On the other hand the effect will be different from culture to another ,for example taking south Korea as an example ,the affection won't be the same or the reactions won't be alike with the rest of the world, the reaction will be different from country to another ,from culture to another the reaction also will be in different levels ,as above it is all depend on the values , the culture ,and a the way of thinking that a specific country or society adopt.

How does internet can change the sense of the reality ?

There is a kind of virtual reality stimulated by a computer where the design and the graphism are linked to create a kind of real world. It’s a synthesized world also called Cyberland. It is a new world where the life is managed by defined rules like in the international game: Second Life. As shows this program and confirms it on its official website on , being a member of the Second Life community will give you the opportunity of designing your own virtual world.

Therefore, it is very easy to be addicted and to forget your real life (family repairs, social life, professional life, cultural values and meanings…) because as claims Second Life, and that is why this program has generated a huge success, take your chance to live a second life. They attract people with very dreamy sentences like “Be anyone with an avatar”.

Imagination is the key point of this game. As confirms Pascal in “Les Pensées”, imagination moves away an individual from his or her real life. It means that if the individual follows all his or her thoughts he or she can be lost and will get difficulties to recognize and differentiate what is the real life and what is not.

Therefore, it is what Second Life tries to do: forgetting the reality. Their fame is established because they guarantee that everything is possible with this program even what is not executable in the real life. According their promotion on , future members will be able to build hotels or a theme park, product a movie, launch a luxury brand of clothes, create a company, do what they want to do with people they want and wherever. Moreover, they could ride a dragoon, get Ninjas or Vampires as friends, live with goblins, go shopping everyday.

Many of this activities are very difficult or impossible to realize in the real life. This game is able to realize people fantasies. But even if the virtual world is responsible from many addictions as confirms Dr Alelks Krotoski, the success of Second Life is still increasing. In 2009, 20 billions of members are using Second Life.

Therefore, it underlines one main interesting question: Does this world more available and better to live than the real one?

Those main points reveal significant problems what Internet evolution generates. But in an other way , the new generation of teenager fell more involve for the problem of the world by this new tool which is Internet. Also this evolution is not a problem for this new generation who fell comfortable . Maybe It is just the old generation who want to protec them or is just affraid of this evolution. Like all the precedent evolution.

9 comments to "How an Evolution can affect us ?"

  • About the thired vedio (AUGEMENTED) its really boring life , i prefer to die rather than live like that. please bring old life back!!!

    Steve from france

  • I really hope this is not gona happen in real life....

  • This comment has been removed by the author.
  • Thank you for your comments,

    I can understand our article can scared and juts show the '' wrong side '' but It is good to know the effect of ''something'' on the society, Mobile phone, Internet... In the other side it is to make you aware and to say, attention maybe it is you, and maybe after have read this article your behaviour will change.
    So the goals is to help you to think about your behaviour.

  • I dont think that the augmented reality is caused by the internet itself, I beleive that internet provided a tool for people to experience such simlation. In my opinion, there are other social and cultural drivers that led to the success of virtual reality at the first place

  • @ Rami Hussein,
    thank you for your comment,
    Sure it is not internet which cause the reallity it is the software but the Internet help to use this Software. And sure there are many tools who can be use compare to this one for the Social and the Cultural, as or
    and again lot of Internet is a big ressource for this kind of tools.

  • The beginning of the article mentioned that virtual relationships are superficial, however this is not true and was depicted in the Obama campaign where millions of people came together to change history. It was also mentioned how users can live any fastasy life they want through the "second life virtual game", do you think this game can alter the relationships young people have in the real world. That is, if they are very successful in second life will they try to be successful in their real life?

  • @ Emarketforensics, Sure this game can alter the relationship, because in second life they can do what they want get meried, and few second after divorce. Young people can think it is like that in the real life and think the relionship is not serious. The Internet ( tools and game what we can use on it) can change the perception of the value as the money or relationship. That is why I think they need persone who help them to understand this '' world'' and how to use.

    Thank you

  • for SURE, it depend on how we use it, and we can’t deny the negative impact is so huge and so worrying! Show the ‘bad side’ to warm people is necessary I believe, especially when they confuse the real life to the virtual life.

    It never make you feel good when you discover your husband (or wife) have another one or even few partners on internet (doesn’t matter fake or virtual character)!


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